What is Big Data

Big Data

Big Data is a vast platform with a variety of information and a whole set of methods and tools for its research. Big Data requires massive computing power and special software that only exists in data centres.

Principles of Big Data

Analysis of all aspects is necessary for making a proper decision. A company generates specific information and puts it into an instrument that can be structured and shaped in a way that is understandable to any user. Then the collected data is analysed.

Sources of collection

The location of big data is divided into three categories:

  1. Social. Combines information generated by Internet users, country and city statistics, medical records, movement of people, births and deaths.
  2. Machine-based. Consists of the Internet of Things and its attached devices.
  3. transactional. This includes data appearing during purchases, interactions with ATMs, money transfers, deliveries of goods, etc.
What is Big Data


Big Data amounts to millions of gigabytes, stored in data centres with incredibly powerful servers, and cloud storages.


Working with Big Data is based on horizontal scalability, resilience to failure, and the locality of information. The most popular Big Data compatible tools are considered to be Apache Spark and Hadoop frameworks.

Application of Big Data technology

Big Data is most in demand in agriculture, marketing, science, logistics, engineering, healthcare, banking, and human resource management.
In particular, they are used for:

  • personalisation of advertising and content;
  • recruitment of employees;
  • logistics optimisation;
  • accurate prediction of weather conditions.

Who are the Big Data specialists

Big data activities require the professional skills of a data analyst, data engineer, and data scientist.
All information goes first to the data engineer, who is in charge of collecting, storing and processing it. He is responsible for developing software and useful algorithms.

The analyst is responsible for descriptive analysis, processing and presenting the information in an accessible way. He is entrusted with drafting analytical reports, statistics, forecasting the development of various events and situations.

The data scientist uses artificial intelligence technology and designs machine learning models. This helps businesses in researching information and predicting the future.

Interface design, NLP-engineering and marketing analysis specialists come into contact with big data in one way or another. This technology is actively used in various enterprises and by engineers and programmers.

Big Data is the future. All sectors of the economy will turn to big data as a key tool for solving business problems. Governments and international organisations are collecting and analysing vast amounts of data, and it is growing rapidly.